威士忌鸡尾酒的初学者指南 – 从7款简单的在家隔离也能做的鸡尾酒开始

A beginner’s guide to whisky cocktails – seven easy lockdown serves to start.


WoodCask.Com asked seven experts from around the world to recommend one simple serve to convince the whisky sceptic that it’s time to see what they’ve been missing. While we’re all stuck at home, there’s never been a better time to experiment.


Cocktails can be a great way for newcomers to find their way into the whisky world. A well-balanced drink can showcase the spirit’s versatility and complexity to those who may have been put off by the strength and powerful flavours of some whiskies and should even reveal some new aspects of the drink to seasoned drammers.


These seven simple serves should help cocktail lovers and whisky wanderers explore this unique spirit’s potential.

1,Brown Derby,布朗德比

2,Bourbon Mojito,波本莫吉托

3,Whisky Smash,威士忌斯玛诗

4,Silver 75,银色75

5,Whisky and Apple Juice,威士忌和苹果汁


7,Smoky Sour,烟熏威士忌酸

Brown Derby,布朗德比

加拿大温哥华Keefer酒吧的酒吧经理Amber Bruce推荐这款经典的鸡尾酒,它起源于洛杉矶,是威士忌新手的绝佳起点。 她说:“对于想要喝威士忌鸡尾酒的客人,我通常会推荐一些不太醉酒的东西,并且倾向于提神。” 这是一种简单的在家制作的产品,但Amber补充说:“如果想花哨的话,可以在顶部挤上一层葡萄柚油,以获得强劲的香气。”

Amber Bruce, Bar Manager at the Keefer Bar in Vancouver, Canada, recommends this classic cocktail, which originated in Los Angeles and is an excellent jumping off point for whisky novices. “For guests looking to get into whisky cocktails, I’ll usually recommend something that’s not overly boozy and leans toward more refreshing,” she says. It’s a simple one to make at home but Amber adds: “If you want to get fancy, squeeze a twist of grapefruit oil over the top for a nice punchy aromatic.”

Ingredients 配方

  • 45ml ,Wild Turkey 81 bourbon,野火鸡81波本威士忌
  • 30ml ,Fresh grapefruit juice,鲜葡萄柚汁
  • 7.5ml ,Honey,蜂蜜
  • Dash of lemon juice,几滴柠檬汁

Method 做法

  • Shake all the ingredients with ice,把以上材料跟冰块一起摇匀
  • Strain into a coupe glass. 借用一支滤网挡住摇杯杯口,把酒液滤入一个浅浅的玻璃鸡尾酒杯中。

Bourbon Mojito,Bourbon Mojito cocktail,波本莫吉托

典型的莫吉托是一种以朗姆酒为基调的甜味调酒,但分销商Hi-Spirits的常务董事Dan Bolton建议也加入威士忌。 他说:“从简单的服务(如薄荷朱利酒或布法罗莫吉托)到经典的波旁威士忌(如传统式或威士忌酸),只要有鸡尾酒,波旁威士忌就一直是其中的一部分。”

The typical mojito is a sweet concoction based around rum, but Dan Bolton, Managing Director of distributors Hi-Spirits recommends getting whisky involved too. He says: “From straightforward serves such as a Mint Julep or Buffalo Mojito through to classic bourbon cocktails such as an Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour, bourbon has been part of the mix as long as cocktails have been around.”

Ingredients 配方

50ml ,Buffalo Trace bourbon,水牛足迹波本威士忌

5ml ,lime juice,柠檬汁

1tsp sugar,5克糖

60ml ,soda water,苏打水

Fresh mint leaves ,鲜薄荷叶

Method 做法

Muddle together the fresh mint, sugar and lime in a tall glass. 把薄荷叶、糖和柠檬放入一个高的玻璃杯里

Load with ice, 加入冰块

Add the bourbon and top up with soda water. 倒入波本威士忌,最后倒入苏打水。加苏打水时,直接倒入水面,不要倒在冰块上。

Whisky Smash,Whisky Smash cocktail,威士忌斯玛诗

英格兰坎布里亚郡湖泊酿酒厂威士忌制造商兼运营总监Dhavall Gandhi说,威士忌Smash可以使“这种非常传统的烈酒对于初次或初学威士忌酒的饮用者来说喝起来更加可口”。威士忌斯玛诗跟 薄荷朱利酒是一对表兄弟,将薄荷、酒和糖浆混在一起放在冰杯中制成。 这个版本混合了薄荷,黄瓜和柠檬。

Dhavall Gandhi, Whisky Maker and Operations Director of The Lakes Distillery, Cumbria, England, says the Whisky Smash can make “this very traditional spirit more accessible and palatable for first time or beginner whisky drinkers”. The cousin of a Mint Julep, basic Smashes are made by muddling together mint with liquor and simple syrup and serving in an iced glass. This version blends mint, cucumber and lime.

Ingredients 配方

  • 60ml, The One whisky, a blend by The Lakes,1号苏格兰调和式威士忌
  • Half a lime cut into wedges,用半个柠檬,切成几瓣
  • A quarter cup of diced cucumber,四分之一杯的黄瓜块
  • 5 sprigs of fresh mint,5片薄荷叶
  • 100ml, cold limeade (or lemonade) 冰镇柠檬汁

Method 做法

  • Muddle the lime, cucumber and mint at the bottom of a rocks glass. 捣碎一些柠檬、黄瓜和薄荷,放在Rock杯的底部。(不知道什么叫rock杯的可参考本站关于杯子的用法文章)
  • Fill the glass with ice and add the whisky. 将玻璃杯中放入冰块,倒入威士忌。
  • Top up with limeade. Garnish with mint, a lime wedge and cucumber wheel. 倒入柠檬汁,最后顶部用柠檬瓣、黄瓜块装饰一下。

Silver 75,Silver 75 cocktail,银色75

“ Silver 75”是美国肯塔基州路易斯维尔市“银元”酒吧的Susie Hoyt的创意作品,是1915年哈里•麦克埃尔洪(Harry MacElhone)在纽约酒吧制造的法式75鸡尾酒的代表。“ Silver 75”用威士忌代替了白兰地或杜松子酒,仿佛在酒中增添了原始柑橘和花香甜香料的味道。 Susie说:“并不是每一种鸡尾酒都需要像曼哈顿或传统式酒那样强壮而且让人易醉。 新入门的威士忌饮用者真的会喜欢这样的清淡鸡尾酒。 它们令人耳目一新,是一个很好的起点。”

The brainchild of Susie Hoyt, of The Silver Dollar in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, the Silver 75 is a take on the French 75 cocktail created by Harry MacElhone at the New York Bar in 1915. The Silver 75 substitutes the cognac or gin for whisky adding a sweet spice to the citrus and floral notes of the original. Susie says: “Not every cocktail needs to be strong and booze forward like a Manhattan or Old Fashioned. New whisky drinkers would really enjoy lighter cocktails like this. They are refreshing and a great place to start.”

Ingredients 配方

17ml, Buffalo Trace,水牛足迹波本威士忌

14ml ,simple syrup,糖浆

14ml ,lemon juice,柠檬汁

Sparkling white wine,起泡白葡萄萄酒

Cherry and lemon peel,樱桃和柠檬皮

Method 做法

Mix the bourbon, lemon and simple syrup in a tin and lightly shake. 把波本威士忌、柠檬汁、糖浆放进一个容器内轻轻摇匀

Strain into a chilled glass. 用滤网过滤倒进一个提前冰过的玻璃杯里

Top with sparkling wine, 倒入起泡白葡萄酒

Drop in a cherry then twist the lemon peel and pop it in. 加入一颗樱桃,切一点柠檬皮拧一下放在酒液之上作为装饰。

Whisky and apple juice,威士忌和苹果汁

澳大利亚墨尔本STARWARD威士忌的调酒师卡梅隆·布雷(Cameron Bray)说:“威士忌通常被认为是一种闷,粗花呢的精神,但它是许多20年代充满活力的咆哮的关键因素 现代鸡尾酒场景的根源。 这种饮料易于复制,着眼于真正简单,美味的风味组合。 对于刚开始喝威士忌或在家调制鸡尾酒的人来说,这是一种很棒的入门级饮料。”

Cameron Bray, Bartender-in-residence at STARWARD Whisky in Melbourne, Australia, says: “Whisky can often be viewed as a bit of a stuffy, tweed-jackety kind of spirit but it was a key ingredient in many of the vibrant roaring 20s roots of the modern cocktail scene. This drink is easy to replicate and focuses on a really simple, delicious flavour combination. It’s a great entry level drink for someone just getting into whisky or making cocktails at home.”

Ingredients 配方

50ml STARWARD Solera 星际索雷拉威士忌(来自澳大利亚墨尔本)

Freshly pressed green apples to top up 鲜榨的青苹果汁

An apple fan to garnish 苹果片摆成扇形用于装饰

Method 做法

Mix and shake the whisky and apple juice. 把威士忌和苹果汁摇匀

Pour into a tumbler over ice. 倒入一个冰杯之中

Highball,Whisky highball,高球

在澳大利亚悉尼的东京鸟日本威士忌酒吧,他们推荐经典的Highball。 Highball自19世纪末期开始出现,是款极为简单的鸡尾酒,其使用酒喝更大比例的非酒精饮料一起混合搅拌,并盛在高的玻璃杯中。 此版本总是作为开胃酒或搭配食物食用,而且大部分是在使用三得利的日本威士忌。

At the Tokyo Bird Japanese whisky bar in Sydney, Australia they recommend a classic Highball. Highballs, which have been around since the late 1800s, are a family of simple cocktails made using a base alcohol added to a large proportion of a non-alcoholic mixer, served in a tall glass over ice. Always great as an aperitif or served with food, this version uses Japanese whisky from Suntory.

Ingredients 配方

40ml, Suntory Kakubin whisky,三得利角瓶调和式威士忌

Soda or sparkling water, 苏打水或气泡水

Lemon 柠檬

Method 做法

Fill a tall glass with ice. 在一个高高的玻璃杯中加满冰块

Add the whisky and stir with a spoon to cool it. 倒入威士忌,然后用一个搅棒不停的搅拌约一分钟。

Top up with soda and stir 倒入苏打水,要将苏打水倒入水面而不是冰块上,之后轻微搅拌。

Garnish with lemon. 最后加柠檬片装饰

Smoky Sour,Whiskey sour,烟熏威士忌酸

苏格兰珀斯郡“名雀”威士忌的品牌大使露西·怀特霍尔(Lucy Whitehall)建议使用烟熏调和苏格兰威士忌来调制经典的“威士忌酸”。 她说:“如果人们开始喝威士忌鸡尾酒,那么在家里制作这款威士忌酸真的很容易。” 威士忌酸可以追溯到19世纪中期,在此基础上启发了诸如Sidecar和Daiquiri等许多其他经典调酒。

Lucy Whitehall, Brand Ambassador at The Famous Grouse Experience in Perthshire, Scotland, recommends this take on the classic Whisky Sour using a smoky blended Scotch. “It’s really easy for people to make at home if they’re starting to get into whisky cocktails,” she says. Sours date back to the mid-1800s and inspired many other classic concoctions from the Sidecar to the Daiquiri.

Ingredients 配方

50ml ,The Famous Grouse Smoky Black,名雀黑牌烟熏威士忌

25ml ,freshly squeezed lemon juice,鲜榨柠檬汁

12.5ml ,sugar syrup,糖浆

Half an egg white (optional) 半个蛋白(非必选项)

2 dashes of aromatic bitters,两滴芳香苦汁

Method 做法

Mix the ingredient in a shaker with ice,把所有的材料倒入摇杯,加入冰块

Shake vigorously for 10-12 seconds,用力的摇10-12秒

Strain into a chunky tumbler 用滤网挡住摇杯,把酒液倒入一个矮胖矮胖的玻璃杯中

Garnish with a twist of lemon. 顶部用一个拧成卷的柠檬皮装饰



英国曾经与西班牙人的国酒雪莉酒有着深厚而且悠久的恋情。 自伊丽莎白时代以来,雪莉酒已成为英国重要的进口商品,到1800年代后期,每年约有60,000桶雪莉酒被运送到了大不列颠。 对于愿意使用任何东西来存储新酿造的烈酒的威士忌酒制造商来说,这是一个可喜的好消息。对那些一开始把蒸馏酒注入空的二手雪莉桶中陈年的酒商们来说,不管陈年的时间或长或短,他们发现,威士忌世界的游戏规则已经因为这些雪莉酒桶而完全改变了!

在西班牙法律中,所有标识为Sherry的葡萄酒都必须产自雪利三角洲地区,这是加迪斯(Cádiz)省赫雷斯-德拉弗龙特拉(Jerez de la Frontera), 桑卢卡尔德瓦拉梅达(Sanlúcar de Barrameda)和圣玛丽亚港(El Puerto de Santa María)之间的一块区域。即深紫色的以塞维利亚为中心的区域。

想象一下,填满一个曾经装过雪莉酒的酒桶,让每一滴酒精去饱饮来自雪莉酒的香甜,然后放进仓库暂时忘掉它,以至未来的某个时期再回来重新检视它。那时酒桶里已不再是充满刺鼻、炽烈、辛辣的酒精,而是颜色变暗以至成琥珀色、暗红色,同时充满了成熟的,独特的醇香的威士忌。这个酒桶之前可能装有Pedro Ximénez,这种曾经甜腻腻到粘牙的雪莉酒,使威士忌具有明显的松软而丰满的甜味,也可能含有Oloroso雪莉酒,此时威士忌很可能是富含果干味,坚果味,带有浓郁的太妃糖味。 无论如何,我们都知道这是成熟的苏格兰威士忌诞生了,不久之后这种做法迅速传播开来,由此而产生的味道变成了常态,成为了威士忌该有的味道之一。



如今在苏格兰各地酒厂中正在陈酿熟成的2000多万桶酒中,只有大约5%是二手雪莉酒桶,而且其中大部分还是按照当年传统式的从西班牙整桶运输至英国的雪莉桶仿制而成的。因为从1981年开始西班牙颁布了法律,不再允许雪莉酒整桶出口,而是必须要在西班牙本土装瓶后,以玻璃瓶装的形式出口。因此专门为苏格兰威士忌量身定做的西班牙酒桶产业应运而生,这些酒桶是由欧洲红橡木和美国白橡木制成,制成后注入雪莉酒熟成三年,而后清空酒桶,送往苏格兰各处的威士忌酒厂。在那里,这些酒桶会被注入威士忌原酒,初次注入时叫做First Fill(初次装填),待威士忌熟成完毕后,清空装瓶,桶中再一次注入威士忌原酒,叫做二次装填,再循环一次被称为三次装填。这也可叫做威士忌中的雪莉风味的调味。


有一种雪莉桶来自于雪莉酒行业的基石 — 索雷拉系统(Solera System),也会被用作苏格兰威士忌的熟成,然而这种雪莉桶可是绝对与众不同,出类拔萃的。这些酒桶过去在陈年雪莉酒时甚至会超过50年,在时间的作用下,这些木桶会被沉淀物紧紧束缚,需要熟练的木桶匠才能复原。不必多说,这种雪莉桶的造价要远远超过二手的波本桶。





二手雪莉桶被重新制成后,根据规格不同而有不同的名称。通常雪莉桶(sherry butt)的容量是500升,Gorda桶或者Bodega桶的容量是600升,雪莉邦穹桶(sherry puncheon)的容量是450升。


Glenfarclas 格兰花格

The Dalmore 大摩

The Macallan 麦卡伦

Tamdhu 坦杜

GlenDronach 格兰多纳

GlenRothes 格兰路思





根据法律,雪莉酒必须在西班牙南部加的斯的“雪莉酒三角”中生产。 无论如何,威士忌行业都将装有其他烈性葡萄酒的木桶称为“雪莉酒桶”,即使从法律上讲它们从未装过雪莉酒。
