数位威士忌品饮达人为WoodCask提供了超过100多种威士忌评论,包括老菲茨杰拉德15年,麦卡伦Edition No5,Larceny Barrel Proof和Ardbeg Supernova。 国际上通行的评分方式依然采用了百分评分(100-point scale)方式,为了尊重原作者,因此本站依然以百分评分来展示,我们后期会更改为等级制(Grade),以避免出现“伪精准度”的谬误(fallacy of false precision) 评分说明: 95-100分—经典:一款伟大的威士忌90-94分—杰出:品格和格调高雅的威士忌85-89分—很好:一种具有特殊品质的威士忌80-84分,好:纯正,制作精良的威士忌 95 分NO.5316William Larue Weller 12 year old Kentucky Straight Bourbon (2019 Buffalo Trace Antique Collection), 64%酒精度Bourbon/Tennessee|美元$99A decadent whiskey with deep aromas that unfold sweet pipe tobacco, cedar cigar box, hot caramel sundae, candied peanuts, toasted coconut, and hints of paraffin. While the oak […]
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